Welcome to 2025
So, 2024 was mainly The Lion King, Eric Bibb summer European Festivals, a few DOL sessions plus a very small number of jazz gigs. The MAIN news this year is that we're hoping to have a book published about my 19 years of touring the globe with Nina Simone. The book is...
2024 A New Year
I have recently replaced 2 Vintage Ludwig kits & my 1982 Yamaha 9000 to become a sole user of Bay Drums. I LOVE these kits. I now use Bay drums both on stage and in the studio. Thank you for such a great opportunity Ian & Jack Bowman. Paul Robinson 28-1-2024
Australia 2023
Australia with Eric Bibb has now been confirmed for March 2023. Very much looking forward to getting started and maybe see you at a gig in your vicinity.
September 2022
At the end of 2021 work started to return, The Lion King (as the dep) & a few jazz gigs. Nothing yet with Eric Bibb, we are supposed to be going to Australia in March of 23 but who knows. I still miss Millie.
May 2021
So, now 14 months into the pandemic and still no action to speak of. If all goes well I will be touring Australia and New Zealand with The Eric Bibb Band during March of 2022. On a tremendously sad personal note, my beloved Millie Dog passed away on the 15-5-2021, To...
So, after missing out on some lovely work for 2020 it currently appears that 2021 isn't holding out much promise. Who would have thought that we would still be here after 10 months with no end in sight. Stay well people.
Corona Virus
ALL concerts postponed indefinitely until the virus is controlled. Stay well and safe and hope to see everyone when the New World emerges. 😎
2019 Coming to a close with gigs in Sweden for the Eric Bibb Band
2019 was a good year for The Eric Bibb Band. Ronnie Scotts, Glastonbury, Australia, The Joe Bonnamassa Blues Cruise and various dates around Europe. We are finishing the year off with 6 gigs in Sweden. Hope to meet you there. 😎
The Eric Bibb Band all at sea! Follow The Link
Follow the link http://www.bluesaliveatseaeurope.com/
The Eric Bibb Band
10th August, 2nd time in 2 years, the band is performing at The Marciac Jazz Festival. See you there. 😎
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