Pricing For Standard Tracks –
(Commercial recordings, Library etc) Pounds Sterling

Prices will vary according to the project requirements.

You can expect to pay approximately £150 (€170) for a standard 3 to 4 minute track including percussion.
As always it will be cheaper to buy in bulk!

You can also pay in the following currencies via PayPal:
• Canadian Dollar
• Euro
• Pound Sterling
• US Dollar
• Yen
• Australian Dollar

Pricing For Incidental Music for T.V. Film.

Basic rates less porterage

Everyone knows how tight budgets for music are these days. I feel the best thing here is P.O.A. It will depend on how many cues you want me to do & the time it will take etc. Pasting in tempo maps or your song files (for odd bars/meters etc) takes a little extra time in Logic housework! We’ll work it out  😎
Booking form

Pricing for Loops & Hits

A 4 or 8 bar loop with solo tom fills, solo cym crashes, snare hits etc would be in the region of £65 per loop inc attendant bangs & crashes (to help with editing, single BD, Crash etc)
Booking form

Pricing for Jingles – (commercials etc)

Basic rates less porterage

“Pitch Fee” moving on to master fee negotiable.
Booking form

All pricing is solely a guideline. Most business in the music industry is negotiated & the same protocol will apply to Drummer Online.
Payment can be made by cheque or BACS (my preference) or use PAYPAL (click here to see)

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